Blog Archive

Title Date

Mastering the Zen of TrackPoint +

The computer that saved Apple +

An introduction to WireGuard VPN +

2020 in review +

Seldom discussed tips for working in the tech industry +

5 Z shell features that will encourage you to switch from Bash +

Why I love teaching online +

A brief history of technology +

Cybersecurity in the early 1990's +

Most people don't want a computer +

Open does not always mean Open Source +

Tracing difficult shell scripts +

So, you think online conferencing is new? +

Fundamental computer science concepts every software developer should know +

The old Web was fun +

Customizing macOS for development +

FreeBSD UNIX for Linux sysadmins +

Microsoft turns 45 +

Tips to survive teaching an online course +

Getting the most out of your online course +