
Most people don't want a computer


But there are still many who do. And this divide is likely going to change the face of technology and computing for the next decade and beyond. What side are you going to be on?

Open does not always mean Open Source


Before the term Open Source was popularized, Open meant something altogether different in the technology world.

Tracing difficult shell scripts


If you've ever examined the contents of a shell script and thought to yourself - OH, HELL NO! - then this blog post is for you.

Fundamental computer science concepts every software developer should know


Most software developers do not have a degree in computer science. However, there's some basic computer science concepts you should know at minimum when working in the field.

2019 in review


Each December, I like to take some time to reflect on the events of the year - and this year was AWESOME!

Reviving an ancient BSD UNIX workstation


I was gifted a really rare NS32016 BSD UNIX workstation prototype from the early 1980s!

Why you should use technology less


We should always be aware about our relationship to technology, and whether technology is becoming a diminished substitute for key things that comprise our humanity.

The UNIX Philosophy in 2019


The UNIX philosophy is alive and well. In fact, it's booming today!

How ricing shifted from cars to computers


How pimping your ride became ricing your Linux desktop.

SPARCbook 3000ST: The coolest 90s laptop


Seriously, how cool is a SPARC-based laptop from the 90s running Solaris?!?