The Linux operating system turns 25 years old today
Linux was created during the same month Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web. Coincidence? I think not.
The World Wide Web turns 25 years old today
Last month, I posted a blog post detailing NeXT and how Tim Berners-Lee used a NeXT workstation at CERN to create the World Wide Web. I guess you could call that foreshadowing, since today marks the 25th anniversary of the World Wide Web!
The dawn of personal computing
The coolest oil painting for a vintage computer enthusiast (such as myself).
Some NeXT level stuff
I managed to get some NeXT workstations this week from a former colleague of mine who also collects vintage computers. For those who don't know what a NeXT workstation is, it's essentially the UNIX system that became Mac OS X, as well as the UNIX system that Tim Berners-Lee used to create the world's first Web server using his new protocol called HTTP (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol).
PowerShell Essentials for SysAdmins
Last week, I gave a presentation entitled “The Practical Guide to PowerShell” to the local IT user group (WWITPRO) that went over very well. This blog post is a summary of that presentation.
Breathe new life into an old PowerBook G4 using Linux
The latest Linux PPC distributions run MUCH faster on it!