
Are you a Mac or a PC?


This question dates back to the early 1990s. Yes, you can like both Apple Macs and Windows PCs, but there must be one that you like a bit more than the other, and the answer is widely considered a reflection on your personality.

Thank you, Apple


This is exactly what an upgrade is supposed to be.

Roughing it on vacation


In Muskoka with an old PowerBook, like a luddite.

Linux thin clients


Older and unusual hardware has a second life as a thin client with Linux!

Computer evolution


Do theories of evolution apply to computers? Well....

New Years security resolutions for 2006


What better way to start the New Year than with some sage security advice?

Old Macs never die


Even after a decade and a half, old Mac computers are still being used at the Ontario Science Centre.

2. Retro Computers


I collect vintage computers, and this page is dedicated to my favourites. The first part discusses the old personal computers of the 1970s-1990s (Apple, Commodore, Tandy, IBM, Atari, Sinclair, ColecoVision, Osborne, Kaypro and GRiD) while the second part discusses the high-end (and costly) UNIX workstations of the 1990s and early 2000s (SUN, Tadpole, SGI, DEC, NeXT and HP).

3. Personal Interests


If you want to know more about who I am and what I like.

5. Tech T-Shirt Slogans


Proper tech attire includes a t-shirt with a cheeky slogan.