
Ultimate UNIX timeline


Concise, accurate and best of all: UNIX.

RIP PowerBook


This thing lasted me 12 years!

The history of IT certification


Have you ever wondered where IT certification began? Well, you're in luck...

2017 in review


For the past several years, I’ve done a “year in review” blog post, and of course this one is for 2017! It’s a great way to reflect on the events that have happened during the year, and to be honest, is actually a lot of fun!

RIP Solaris


The last UNIX giant of the 90s is now dead.

Get ready for the chip wars!


Many Bothans died to bring you this post.

50 shades of Cray


This post is all about Cray computers.

2016 in review


Here's what happened this year!

An evening with The Woz


Steve Wozniak (a.k.a. The Woz) was one of the keynote speakers at yesterday’s Fuzenation Technology & Music Summit in Kitchener, Ontario.

The Linux operating system turns 25 years old today


Linux was created during the same month Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web. Coincidence? I think not.