
Fundamental computer science concepts every software developer should know


Most software developers do not have a degree in computer science. However, there's some basic computer science concepts you should know at minimum when working in the field.

Customizing macOS for development


So your boss gave you a Mac for development. Or maybe you bought a Mac to develop iOS apps. Or maybe you bought a MacBook because you need to develop software as well as look good at Starbucks. Unfortunately doing serious development using macOS is cumbersome at best. In this blog post, I’ll tell you how to *mostly* fix that.

How to learn vi (vim)


vi (vim) is arguably the best text editor ever made. You should master it if you haven't done so already. To do that, start by reading this post.

The UNIX Philosophy in 2019


The UNIX philosophy is alive and well. In fact, it's booming today!

The Power of Open Source Software


Back in the 1990s we all knew that open source was the future of software. It wasn't long after that when this became *real* for me.

Three reasons why incubators breed failure


Isn't it obvious?!?

How the cloud grew up around Linux


Without Linux, we wouldn't have the cloud today!

A simple guide to git


Everyone should know git nowadays...

Devops Demystified


All about devops!

Great Canadian Appathon 4


We've participated in every Great Canadian Appathon so far (the first was at our Toronto campus, and the remaining three were at our Kitchener campus). And we kicked butt at each one!