
What it's like a year after quitting Facebook


Yup. I quit Facebook a year ago and never looked back. Read this post to see why that's a great thing.

What Nokia tells us about the Internet in 2008


Digging up this early mobile Internet tablet and the Nokia promotional video that it shipped with uncovers how we viewed the Internet in 2008.

Three reasons why incubators breed failure


Isn't it obvious?!?

How the cloud grew up around Linux


Without Linux, we wouldn't have the cloud today!

Blockchain for IT pros


Curious about blockchain? Let's talk about it.

Halt and Catch Fire


The best drama set amidst the backdrop of the computer revolution.

10 years of Facebook humour


As I was searching around my Facebook settings the other day, I noticed that there was a section that allows you to download your whole Facebook archive of posts and pictures. So I did that and noticed that I’ve posted some pretty funny stuff since I joined in 2007.

The World Wide Web turns 25 years old today


Last month, I posted a blog post detailing NeXT and how Tim Berners-Lee used a NeXT workstation at CERN to create the World Wide Web. I guess you could call that foreshadowing, since today marks the 25th anniversary of the World Wide Web!

A look back at the dotcom bubble


It happened over a decade ago, and taught us a lesson about sustainable technology development.

Reddit took down my website!


In a friendly, flattering way...